Draine (Hate and social breakdown: discourse and performativity) is a group of researchers in Language Sciences, working around hate speech and so-called radical discourse and the respective genres linked to them. The group was born in autumn 2016 out of the European H2020 Practicies project (Partnership Against Violent Radicalization Online in the Cities). It now has around 30 members from eight countries (Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany and Italy) and 18 institutions and universities, working together on research projects and publications. In October 2020, the Draine was awarded an ANR Montage de Réseau Scientifique Européens ou Internationaux (MRSEI) grant to prepare the submission of a funding application for a Horizon Europe project in 2022. In July 2022, the ARENAS (Analysis of and Responses to Extremist NArrativeS) project led by Julien Longhi was selected and several members of the Draine group have been working on it ever since.
In 2022, Draine organised its first conference at the University of Paris, chaired by Mariem Guellouz. The conference was intended to provide a forum for interdisciplinary reflection on the subject of ‘hate speech’. It brought together more than sixty contributions from the fields of history, law, political science, linguistics, information and communication sciences and sociology. For more information on the programme and the rationale behind the 2022 event, visit the website: https://groupedraine.github.io/draine2022_FRA.html
The second Draine conference will be held at Grenoble Alpes University in May 2025, under the title Hate speech and emotions: ideological and epistemological issues. We invite French-, Italian- and English-speaking researchers – regardless of their links with the network – to contribute to this dynamic exchange by responding to the call for papers. You will find all the latest information on this scientific event here.
October 15, 2024: Deadline for submission of papers and panels
December 2024: Notification of the results of the evaluation of the proposals